- Language: English
Acredited by The Osteopathic College of Ontario
The Masters in Clinical Osteopathy program enables the osteopath to enhance and refine their clinical skills. This is accomplished by studying the deeper and avant-garde aspects of osteopathy from its classical roots to its modern-day manifestations of energy medicine. Our platform provides world renowned speakers discussing in depth analysis of traditional osteopathic concepts as well as pioneering concepts from the contemporary architects of our evolving medical science.
Upon completion graduates will be awarded the Masters in Clinical Osteopathy by the Osteopathic College of Ontaro.
Canadian applicants must be an active member or OCDO or a coequal association. International applicants must be a member of an OCO recognized professional osteopathic organization.
Course Curriculum
Platform Elements
Autism Spectrum Disorder
20:21 -
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Complementary material: Clinical effects of spinal manipulation in the management of children and young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
Complementary material: Effect of Osteopathic manipulation in an autism spectrum child with speech impairment and attention deficit
Summary indications
Autoimmune Disease
23:39 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Osteopathic manipulative medicine for inflammatory skin diseases
Complementary material: Chronic inflammatory disease and osteopathy
Summary indications
13:59 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: The architecture of life
Complementary material: The medium of haptic perception
Summary indications
Brainstem (The Brainstem and other Vagal Oddities)
15:11 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: The guy brain axis
Complementary material: A body that regulates body inflammatory responses
Complementary material: Cytokines and the immunomodulatory function of the vagus nerve
Summary indications
Breastfeeding & Newborns
24:13 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Manual interventions for musculoskeletal factors in infants with suboptimal breastfeeding
Complementary material: A review of the breastfeeding literature relevant to osteopathic practice
Summary indications
Cancer, Hospice, and Palliation
12:01 -
Complementary material: Integrating osteopathic philosophy in cancer care
Complementary material: Investigating the safety and feasibility of osteopathic manipulative medicine in hospitalized children and adolescent young adults with cancer
Complementary material: Osteopathic manipulative treatment effect on pain relief and quality of life in oncology geriatrics patients
Summary indications
Video (Alternative)
17:05 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Osteopathic manipulative treatment and the management of headaches: A scoping review
Complementary material: A short review of the treatment of headaches using osteopathic manipulative treatment
Summary indications
Chapman’s Reflexes
10:01 -
Complementary material: Physiology, Chapman´s Points
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Video (Alternative)
Charlotte Weaver, D.O.
28:22 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Charlotte Weaver: Pioneer in cranial osteopathy
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Cranial Theory
32:20 -
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00:00 -
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Chronic Fatigue & the Chronification of Pain
11:50 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Understanding myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and the emerging osteopathic approach
Complementary material: A comprehensive update of the current understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome
Complementary material: What concept of manual therapy is more effective to improve health status in women with fibromyalgia syndrome?
Summary indications
Contractile Fields
14:33 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: The contractile field – A new model of human movement
Complementary material: The contractile field- A new model of human movement part 2
Complementary material: The contractile field- A new model of human movement part 3
Summary indications
27:41 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: Exploring the impact of osteopathic treatment on cranial asymmetries associated with nonsynostotic plagiocephaly in infants
Complementary material: Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly with physiotherapy
Summary indications
Head Trauma
09:31 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: Osteopathic manipulative medicine in the management of headaches associated with postconcussion syndrome
Complementary material: Resolution of Concussion Symptoms after osteopathic manipulative treatment
Complementary material: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Somatic Dysfunction After Acute Severe Traumatic Injury
Complementary material: Safety of Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine as an Adjunct to Conventional Postconcussion Symptom Management
Complementary material: Effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine vs Concussion Education in Treating Student Athlete with Acute Concussion Symptoms
Summary indications
10:40 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: Osteopathic manipulative treatment in conjunction with medication relieves pain associated with fibromyalgia syndrome
Complementary material: Effectiveness of 2 osteopathic treatment approaches on pain, preassure-pain threshold, disease severity in patients with fibromyalgia
Complementary material: Efficacy of manual therapy as a treatment for fibromyalgia patients
Complementary material: Support for osteopathic manipulative treatment inclusion in chronic pain management guidelines
Summary indications
Ligamentous Articular Strain: Treatment of the Eight Diaphragms
13:39 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique- a manual treament approach for ligamentous articular injuries and the whole body
Complementary material: Techniques for Treating the Eight Diaphragms
Summary indications
Ligamentous Articular Strain: Treatment of the Bowstring Areas
07:19 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: Bowstring Areas in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Summary indications
Lymph Composition, Mechanics & Anatomy
18:08 -
Complementary material: Osteopathic Manipulative treatment: Lymphatic Procedures
Complementary material: An Osteopathic Overview of The lymphatic System
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Video (Alternative)
Lymphatic Disorders
21:43 -
Summary indications
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: Lymphatic osteopathic manipulative treatment reduces duration of deltoid soreness after pfizer/Biontech Covid-19 vaccine
Complementary material: Increased lymphatic flow in the thoracic duct during manipulative intervention
Complementary material: Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Secretory Immunoglobulin A levels in a Stressed Population
Complementary material: Adjuvant Lympathic Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Patients With Lower-Extremity Ulcers
Psychological Disorders
54:22 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Summary indications
Complementary material: Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy on Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Complementary material: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Patients with Anxiety and Depression
Complementary material: Effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy on Pain and Mood disorders in Patients with High-Frecuency Migraine
Pulmonary Diseases: The Role of Osteopathy
16:18 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Summary indications
Complementary material: Assesment of Pulmonary Function After Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment vs Standard Pulmonary Rehabilitation in a Healthy Population
Complementary material: Osteopathic Considerations in Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Complementary material: Effect of osteopathic treatment in patients with stable to moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Seizure Disorder
15:03 -
Complementary material: Modifying functional brain networks in focal epilepsy by manual visceral-osteopathic stimulation of the vagus nerve at the abdomen
Complementary material: Cerebral Perfusion Changes after Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
Summary indications
Draft Lesson
Vagus Nerve and Polyvagal Theory
38:52 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Complementary material: The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system
Complementary material: Polyvagal theory: A science of safety
Summary indications
Visceral Manipulation
20:46 -
Complementary material: Treatment of refractory irritable bowel syndrome with visceral osteopathy: Short-term and long term results of a randomized trial
Comlementary material: The effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation c
Summary indications
Video (Alternative)
Vision, Mechanics, Neurology and Disease
13:50 -
Complementary material: Effect of osteopathy in the cranial field on visual function
Complementary material: The glymphatic system and new etiopathogenic hypotheses concerning glaucoma based on pilot study of patients who underwent osteopathic manipulative treatment
Summary indications
Video (Alternative)
Art (The Art of Intimacy)
34:50 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Chromosome Trisomies
18:47 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Review: Consequences of Chromosome gain
The Osteopathic Management of Children with Down´s Syndrome
Energy & Osteopathy
36:22 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Evolutions End & Reversal Theory
13:51 -
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Video (Alternative)
Fascial Distortion Model
17:14 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Summary indications
Restoration of Full Shoulder Range of Motion After Application of the Fascial Distortion Model
Fascia Tissue Research in Sports Medicine: From Molecules to Tissue Adaptation, Injury and Diagnostics
Efficacy of Fascial Distortion Model Treatment for Acute, Non specific Low Back Pain in Primary Care: A prospective Controlled Trial
Functional Technique
20:35 -
Video (Alternative)
00:00 -
Summary indications
Habit (The Power of Habit)
13:35 -
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Video (Alternative)
Holographic Universe
28:22 -
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00:00 -
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Myofascial Release: History of Fascia
14:57 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Fascial Plasticity – A new neurobiological explination
Fascia Innervation: A Systematic Review
(Neurology) The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Video (Alternative)
Palpation, Affect and Rapid Biomechanical Exam
24:59 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Primitive Reflexes: Echoes of Embryology and the Osteopathic Connection
20:44 -
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00:00 -
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Reason in Madness
23:33 -
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Video (Alternative)
Sex Chromosome Variants
18:05 -
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Still Technique
07:04 -
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Summary indications
A Manipulative technique of Andrew Taylor Still as Reported by Charles Hazzard
Still Technique Review
The Other Brain
28:39 -
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The Tide
16:42 -
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Why We Snap
11:02 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Biodynamic Cranial Theory
03:04 -
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00:00 -
Complementary material: The biodynamic model of osteopathy in the cranial field
Summary indications
(Neurology) Hallucinations
32:15 -
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00:00 -
Summary indications
Psychotic-like experiences and their cognitive appraisal under short term sensory deprivation
An Exploration of Objectless Awareness During Sleep
A Qualitative Analysis of Sensory Phenomena Induced by Perceptual Deprivation