Course Content
Platform Elements
(Neurology) The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Palpation, Affect and Rapid Biomechanical Exam
Primitive Reflexes: Echoes of Embryology and the Osteopathic Connection
Masters in Clinical Osteopathy
About Lesson

The Tide

Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Becker lectured on the “potency” of the tide of the cerebrospinal fluid and its efficacy in the global health of the individual.  Differences were ascribed to the fast versus slow tide.  What is the slow tide and what is the engine behind it?  These theories and others are the jewels of this module.  It will also be presented that many pillars of the osteopathic cranial foundation in fact disagreed with many key observations, thus reinforcing our individuality as an interpretive artist with a scientific underpinning.

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