Course Content
Platform Elements
(Neurology) The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Palpation, Affect and Rapid Biomechanical Exam
Primitive Reflexes: Echoes of Embryology and the Osteopathic Connection
Masters in Clinical Osteopathy
About Lesson

Chapman’s Reflexes

Frank Chapman, D.O. found and mapped out non-neural subcutaneous tissue which he described as a “gangliform contraction.”  His maps are used in osteopathy both for diagnoses and treatment of a variety visceral pathologies.  Also noted are the concurrent findings of Paul Schilder M.D. who made a similar observation however working not in concert with Dr. Chapman. The pathophysiology is contrasted with other proposed spinal reflex pathways giving rise to tender points and trigger points.  In this module a unique treatment sequence is also offered.

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